Unlike regular mechanical keys, transponders communicate with your car’s ignition, sending a code via a microchip. If anything but the correct code is sent, the car will not start. Certain models will electronically immobilize at that point to deter would-be thieves! Chip keys are effective at preventing theft, but their technology also makes them more difficult and expensive to replace. While transponder key blanks for a few models are easy to program, others require thousands of dollars in diagnostic equipment, codes available only to authorized agents, proprietary chips, and hours of training.
Pop-A-Lock of Clearwater has been working with transponder chip keys since we opened in 1996 — just after the earliest transponders were introduced. Our certified locksmiths have experience with a wide range of car makes and models, from Acuras to Volkswagens. For a few later model cars, transponders can only be replaced by the dealer, but Pop-A-Lock can provide roadside services for most others. Call us today to check if your transponder can be duplicated and to get a free, accurate quote.
What makes Pop-A-Lock a better choice for your transponder key? No tow, no dealer markup, and no wait. Call us today!